
>What is the Fiscal Cliff?
The term fiscal cliff has been in the news a lot recently. The stock market has been moving up and down, maybe because of it. The President and Congress have been hinting at negotiating because of it... But what is it?

>Building Your Database
Building and continually growing a solid database of contacts you can proactively reach out to on a regular basis is important for your business.

>IRS Warns Consumers of Possible Scams Relating to Hurricane Sandy Relief
Following major disasters, it’s common for scam artists to impersonate charities to get money or private information from well-intentioned taxpayers. Such fraudulent schemes may involve contact by telephone, social media, email or in-person solicitations.

>IRS Gives Additional Time to Taxpayers and Preparers Affected by Hurricane Sandy
The Internal Revenue Service today announced it is granting taxpayers and tax preparers affected by Hurricane Sandy until Nov. 7 to file returns and accompanying payments normally due OCt 31.

>Payroll: Preparing for Year-End
Year-end technically begins after the close of the last payroll in December, while the new year begins with the first payroll in January. But preparation for year-end doesn't have to wait until then. In fact, it should begin months earlier to ensure a smooth processing season.