Tax Resolutions and IRS/State Representation

If you owe back taxes or are plagued by other IRS tax problems, we encourage you to get professional tax help. We can deal with the IRS or Georgia Department of Revenue. Tax debt resolutions can come in many different forms. Our assistance will depend upon the type of taxes you owe, amount owed, and ability to pay. Depending upon your situation, we will tailor our approach to assist you in resolving your tax issues. We can help you with:

  • Appealing a government action
  • Arranging an acceptale and affordable installment agreement
  • Prepare an office in compromise
  • Dealing with the taxpayer advocate
  • Assisting in stopping bank levies

We've worked for so many years and very closely with the IRS and know exactl what the IRS auditors are looking for in their examinations. We will go through your records, reciew them and prepare them for the examination. We can reach the full potential of helping you if you call us as soon as your receive the notice.